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Collapse Issue 434 - 11 Dec 2017Issue 434 - 11 Dec 2017
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Umina oval community garden to involve students

The operator of the kiosk at Umina oval has taken the initiative to involve young people with landscaping the area.

One such initiative is a community garden that Ms Gabby Greyem is coordinating with Brisbane Water Secondary College.

"In the New Year, students from the college will come out to Jasmine Greens kiosk and learn all about landscaping and development," Ms Greyem explained.

"The idea is to teach the kids new skills and to give them a sense of ownership to the garden.

"It's about linking them with the recreation precinct and encouraging a sense of responsibility and respect for community spaces," she said.

While Ms Greyem does not have a confirmed start date for the work on the garden, she does have a $2000 grant from Council to put towards the project and a local hardware store has come on board to donate to the cause.

"Hopefully this will help a whole range of young people understand how special community spaces can be," Ms Greyem said.

In another programs for children, Ms Greyem will run free cooking classes during the holidays.

"The aim is to provide affordable kids school holiday activities over the summer holidays that also feeds kids and reached them about nutrition and healthy eating," she said.

"We have partnered with the College Junior Campus.

"The NSW Department of Health and the NSW Department of Education are again supporting Jasmine Greens to run these cooking classes."

Cooking class dates are Tuesdays, January 9, 16 and 23.

They will run from 10am to 12pm and again from 1pm to 3pm (two classes a day).

Classes are for kids aged seven to 12 years.

No exceptions will be made for younger or older children.

It will be construction cooking of sushi, salads and wraps plus making iced tea.

A maximum of 15 will be taken in each class for a donation of $5 a child.

Bookings are essential (no turn-ups on the day), call Jasmine Greens on 4344 5398.

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