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Collapse Issue 426 - 21 Aug 2017Issue 426 - 21 Aug 2017
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Five storey development proposed for Umina

A five-storey $7.5 million mixed-use development has been proposed for the corner of West and Morris St in Umina.

An application has been lodged with Council to demolish the existing two-storey commercial buildings and replace them with basement car parking, ground level commercial and retail floor space and 22 residential apartments.

The application was lodged by Mr Pierre Saab of Sans Filter Pty Ltd for the site of 211 to 213 West Street, Umina.

The proposed development would require a 1.4 metre increase beyond the maximum height allowed in the Gosford 2014 planning scheme.

The application also requests a variation to the maximum floor space ratio allowed, from 1.8:1 to 2.6:1, "on the basis of the design merit and key location of the proposed development and the imperative to lift the design standard of the eastern entry to the Umina town centre".

The 906.6 square metre site is zoned B2 Local Centre, according to a statement prepared by Wales and Associates in support of the application.

The zone was intended to "provide a range of retail, business, entertainment and community uses that serve the needs of people who live in, work in and visit the local area".

Development in the B2 Zone was also intended to encourage employment opportunities in accessible locations, maximise public transport patronage and encourage walking and cycling, and provide residential uses but only as part of a mixed use development.

It is also meant to ensure that Umina is recognised as providing a broad range of services and facilities to serve the population of the locality.

A pre-application meeting was held onsite with Council senior staff members, Mr Matt Prendergast and Mr Scott Cox, in May, "to highlight the existing streetscape conditions and the benefits offered by proposed variations to the prescribed floor space ratio...and height controls based on the recently-approved and constructed mixed use development at 2 Rickard St (on the corner of West St) to the south east of the property", according to the statement.

"The subject site sits on the key corner location at the eastern entry to the Umina town centre, with the proposal designed such that the proposed building creates an entry statement that lifts the design bar for future development in the Umina town centre," the statement said.

The statement argued in favour of an increased floor space ratio on the basis that it would "not hinder the proper management and development of the Umina retail catchment and the adjoining residential catchment.

"The proposal will in fact improve the social and economic welfare of the local community and create a better environment by substantially improving the livability and amenity of the locality by activating the West St and Morris St frontages and the provision of good-quality accommodation space that encourages people to live within the town centre precinct as well as in the surrounding urban catchment."

The variation to the maximum height would allow the proposed building to have a height of RL20.96 metres and the request has been justified "due to the design merit of the building, its relationship to the future streetscape and the overall bulk and scale of the building", the statement said.

"The proposal ensures the highest and best use of the subject site by formalising the trend to higher density accommodation utilising the natural features of the land and activating the primary street frontage (West St) together with the secondary frontage (Morris St)."

According to the statement, the proposed development complied with all other local planning requirements.

Two objections had been lodged with Council to the DA by Wednesday, August 16, both on the basis of the excess floor space ratio and height requests, concerns about the inadequacy of parking and waste management.

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