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Collapse Issue 414 - 06 Mar 2017Issue 414 - 06 Mar 2017
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Petrol prices skyrocket to 13 cents more than Gosford

Peninsula residents have continued to pay, on average, more than 13 cents per litre for petrol than their Gosford neighbours.

Peninsula residents were paying 139.9 cents per litre for unleaded, 139.2 cents for e10 and 132.9 cents per litre for diesel on March 1 according to the NRMA's Fuel Check and Compare the Markets fuel quote service.

On the same day Gosford's average prices were 125.3 cents per litre for unleaded, 123.2 for e10 and 131.9 cents per litre for diesel,.

The best place to fill up on the Peninsula was United Umina where diesel was 128.9 cents per litre, unleaded 134.9 and e10 for 132.9.

Caltex Woy Woy was next best, offering unleaded for 135.9 cents per litre and e10 133.9 (no diesel listed).

All listed Gosford service stations providers beat Peninsula prices by 10 cents per litre.

MotorMouth, an independent fuel quote service, listed the Central Coast seven day rolling average for fuel on February 28 as: diesel at 130.4 cents per litre; unleaded at 131.5; and e10 at 128.8.

Member for the Federal Seat of Robertson, Ms Lucy Wicks, has started a petrol price petition that she is urging Peninsula residents to sign.

Ms Wicks said: "I am looking at the price of petrol today at Coles Express Woy Woy and it is 146.4 cents per litre but when I filled up at Wahroonga it was 128.4 cents.

"It is a huge difference and you've got to ask yourself why, only 40 minutes down the freeway. the price is so much lower,' Ms Wicks said.

"The reason it is such a concern is it impacts families every day, you need the car to drive the kids to school, to get to work, to get your groceries.

"That is why I have started the petrol price petition to ask the ACCC to consider doing a deep dive into the Coast to have a look at petrol.

"The more support and the more stories we have from people sharing their experiences, it does help to add to the picture and to provide a more fulsome explanation of why this is such a burning issue."

Ms Wicks said residents concerned about petrol prices could sign the petition via her facebook page or call her office to have a hard copy of the petition sent out to them.

"We know people are talking about it and are very frustrated and we want to see as many people as possible who share this frustration," she said.

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