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Collapse Issue 405 - 31 Oct 2016Issue 405 - 31 Oct 2016
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Biography of Allen Strom to be launched

A new biography about leading conservationist and environmental educator, Mr Allen Strom, is being launched on Saturday, November 5.

The Strom biography was written by another of Australia's leading conservationists, Mr Allan Fox.

Allen Strom worked tirelessly with his wife Beryl and others for the establishment of Central Coast National Parks including Brisbane Water, Bouddi, Wyrrabalong, Wambina and Popran, said Mr Neil Dufty of the Community Environment Network.

In 1972, Allen was awarded the Australian Natural History Medallion for "Special Study and for Increasing Knowledge and Appreciation of Natural History in Australia."

Allen was made a Member of the Order of Australia in 1977 in recognition of his services to conservation education.

Co-organiser of the book launch, Mr Kevin McDonald, said the biography was an inspiring story of a person who came from humble beginnings to become the Chief Guardian of Fauna in NSW, prior to the establishment of the National Parks and Wildlife Service.

"Allen did so many things for conservation in the state and particularly for local Central Coast environments," Mr McDonald said.

"He and his wife Beryl were for many years regular observers in Gosford Council meetings where they strongly lobbied for appropriate environmental decisions."

Strom became a pioneer education officer at the Australian Museum, Sydney, and foundation secretary of the National Parks Association of NSW.

From 1967, he worked in the Department of Education as the Advisor in Conservation in schooling until his retirement.

"Allen was instrumental in the commencement of Environmental Education Centres across NSW.

"He later instigated the establishment of the Rumbalara Environmental Education Centre situated at the top of Donnison St, Gosford."

Allan Fox only drafted sections of the biography before his death, and it appeared the Strom story would be lost.

"However, a group of Strom devotees obtained electronic first drafts of the book and then edited them to make an e-book.

The book is a must-read for anyone interested in nature conservation."

The book launch will be held at the Strom Centre, Killcare starting at 11am.

The book is called "Chief Guardian: the Life and Times of Allen Strom" and is available as a Kindle e-book through Amazon (proceeds to environmental education).

More information about the launch including registrations is available at

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