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Collapse Issue 405 - 31 Oct 2016Issue 405 - 31 Oct 2016
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Outraged residents 'should pressure Government'

Peninsula residents have the right to be outraged by the NSW Government's decision to abandon the Rawson Rd level crossing replacement project, according to Shadow Minister for the Central Coast Mr David Harris.

He urged residents to continue to pressure the Government to complete the project.

Minister for Roads Mr Duncan Gay confirmed in State Parliament on October 20 that the Government had scuttled the Woy Woy underpass project after already spending more than $50 million.

Mr Harris said: "We will be putting pressure on the Government to deliver their commitment and the Council should be doing the same thing.

"The first thing that needs to be done is a proper plan should be drawn up.

"Duncan Gay didn't say nothing would happen but said he would get back with more detail in terms of numbers and we will be keeping pressure on for those numbers," Mr Harris said.

"Residents of the Woy Woy Peninsula have long been waiting for this vital infrastructure project.

"Locals have a right to be angry," said Mr Harris.

"We don't get our fair share of infrastructure funding".

"The Government clearly has the money to complete the level crossing replacement yet they walk away from it," he said.

"The point is the level crossing still needs to be replaced," Mr Harris said.

"It is still dangerous.

"There are still a lot of accidents at that particular intersection.

"Something has to be done because it is the main thoroughfare down from Woy Woy Rd.

"It can't be ignored so it should be fixed and the point is they have had five years to get a proper costing.

"What would normally happen is they would have a base costing and then the engineers would do a thorough costing to get it into the budget.

"This is an example of bad project management from everyone involved.

"The NSW Government has a history of this now, of throwing out a figure at the start and having no accountability.

"The cost just keeps going up and up and up.

"The Government promised its delivery at the 2011 election.

"The Government also failed to notify the office of local MP, Ms Kathy Smith, despite the fact that letters had been written several times on this matter.

"Correspondence was exchanged with the Minister's office on the matter as recently as October 4.

"This project has been such a long time coming that people have been talking about it since I was a kid living in Woy Woy," Mr Harris said.

"The Government should have done its research.

"The people of the Peninsula shouldn't have to suffer a $50 million unfinished disaster because the Liberals couldn't count.

"They made a promise to residents.

"They will rightfully be punished at the ballot box for this."

Member for Gosford, Ms Kathy Smith, said: "I have been pushing for answers from the Baird Government since early this year and am appalled that this is the answer they have.

"This is yet another example of the Peninsula being let down by this Liberal Government and it is time the Government fronted up and delivered this absolutely vital project.

"Since my election as Member for Gosford, my office has been inundated with enquiries regarding this project.

"Residents of the Peninsula deserve answers.

"This project has been in limbo for far too long.

"This latest development is nothing short of a betrayal from the Government to the people of the Peninsula."

According to Mr Harris, "With the recent revelation that the Government is not following through with the Woy Woy rail underpass, locals are rightfully outraged that they appear to be left behind.

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