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Collapse Issue 298 - 20 Aug 2012Issue 298 - 20 Aug 2012
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Groups join for constitution change

The Citizen's for Constitutional Change have joined with Mingaletta Aboriginal Corporation to to create a new group to raise public awareness and get community support for changes to the Australian Constitution.

The changes would recognise Aboriginal people and prohibit racial discrimination.

The first event held by Friends of Mingaletta will be the launch of a petition and a community afternoon tea at Mingaletta on Wednesday, September 26, from 4pm.

"We will be inviting about 200 people, who are in a variety of leadership roles in the local community, to enlist their valuable support in promoting and publicising the need for constitutional change, to the wider community, through their business relationships, networks, community meetings, boards, committees and other channels of communication.

"We have made this decision, which also includes a change of name, because it brings together two community groups committed to the same goal of constitutional change and it means we can share resources, ideas and expertise and focus on strategies to ensure a successful outcome," said Friends of Mingaletta media officer Ms Barbara Kelly.

"However, just as importantly, our decision shows that all Australians, black and white, need to work together to make sure our Constitution speaks for all of us," said Ms Kelly.

"Many of us will also be attending community events and meetings over the next few months to talk to people about the cause, and we hope these activities will result in thousands of signatures from Central Coast residents who support the proposals to change the Constitution.

"We hope to present the petitions to the Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, in person, later in the year."

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