Storytime group for young parents
A Young Parent Storytime group has been started at Beachside Family Centre for mums and dads under-25 who want to help their children become a good reader.
"Parents can come along to plan and do fun activities with their babies and toddlers and help children learn to love stories and books at the same time," said Beachside Family Centre facilitator Ms Debbie Notara.
"Storytime is more than just reading books.
"It's about craft and songs and even making your own books about your own child using photos
"And we really want ideas from young parents about what activities they would like to do in this group.
"There'll be morning tea, free Book Bag and other surprise giveaways.
"Free child care is also available."
"It's never too early to start with babies and toddlers when it comes to reading.
"But it helps to know all different ways to tell stories and how to have fun at the same time as helping children learn."
With inquiries, phone Debbie on 4343 1929.
Media Release, 8 Jun 2011
Debbie Notara, Beachside Family Centre