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Workshop covers substance abuse

A workshop which covered issues of substance abuse was run for Woy Woy Junior Rugby League players at Woy Woy Leagues Club on March 30.

The event was run by ARL Welfare and Education, and included presentations from Darren Martin, a promising rugby league player who turned to substance abuse, and the Australian Federal Police.

"Woy Woy Juniors believe we have a responsibility to educate our players on and off the field.

"Rugby league plays an important role in some of players' lives and they also spend a lot of time together playing footy, making friends and generally growing up," said senior vice-president Mr Scott Jones.

"The club has introduced a program called Rite of Passage, where we acknowledge that from the age of 13 players begin to mature and life gets a little bit harder through choices that are on offer.

"The basis of this program is that we acknowledge the players as young adults by offering this age group a little bit more than they have received in the past," he said.

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