Council agrees to traffic lights
Gosford Council has resolved to adopt the Ocean Beach Rd traffic management study in principal, with traffic lights at Dunban and McMasters Rds.
The council decision came amid concerns about parking and traffic management devices.
Liberal representative for Peats Ms Debra Wales and local residents Mr Kevin Firth and Mr Raymond Butler were among those who expressed concerns over parts of the strategy.
According to a council report, Ms Wales sent letters to local residents stating disapproval for the use of traffic signals as opposed to roundabouts at the Dunban Rd and McMasters Rd intersections with Ocean Beach Rd.
The report stated that Ms Wales said council was proposing to make Ocean Beach Rd a clearway, meaning no parking for the entire length and both sides of Ocean Beach Rd.
According to the council report, the letter appeared to have generated 68 submissions to council over the strategy, with 61 on a form letter apparently forwarded with Ms Wales letter to residents, and eight letters received from residents of Ocean Beach Rd.
A report from council's traffic committee stated that a the provision of traffic signals (including pedestrian facilities) at the Ocean Beach Rd intersection with Dunban Rd and McMasters Rd was favoured over roundabouts.
It also stated that the area had a high pedestrian usage with the nearby golf, bowls and club facilities together with the community facilities including pedestrian access to the Peninsula Leisure Centre.
The traffic management study proposed limited on-street parking for the full length of Ocean Beach Rd north of West St.
According to the council report, this was all the available on-street parking after making provision for improved access from some side streets and for additional and improved pedestrian and bicycle facilities.
Council's traffic committee also received a presentation from Mr Kevin Firth and Mr Raymond Butler who expressed concerns for the amenity of local roads in the vicinity of Dorothy Ave if it were closed at Ocean Beach Rd.
Issues included additional traffic in local roads, reduced access for emergency services and Dorothy Ave residents, the use of local streets to bypass the speed camera and the necessity for an on-road cycle lane if it means the loss of parking.
Council has now resolved to adopt the use of traffic signals at the Dunban Rd and McMasers Rd intersections with Ocean Beach Rd, and to advertise the permanent closure of Waratah St at Ocean Beach Rd for public comment.
The RTA has also been asked to investigate options for the McMasters Rd and Blackwall Rd intersection to provide improved east-west movements on the Peninsula.
Proposed changes to the road network in The School Mall, together with the permanent closure of Dorothy Ave at Ocean Beach Rd will also be advertised.
Council's project development and implementation unit has also been asked to fast track the design and implementation of facilities contained in the study to use existing Blackspot Program Funding.
On-going maintenance and capital upgrading needs of Boronia Ave, Dorothy Ave, Dunalban Ave, Watkin Ave, Mackenzie Ave and Onslow Ave will also be reviewed.
Council agenda TR 05.180, November 22