Students investigate ag research station
Brisbane Water Secondary College students from Woy Woy campus were among teams of students from eight Central Coast high schools, which held an excursion to the historic Agricultural Research Station site at Narara site on October 28.
The groups were to report its findings to a panel of experts including Gosford Cr Chris Holstein and the regional Manager of the National Parks and Wildlife Service Mr Tom Bagnat.
The event is part of the 7th Annual Central Coast Envirothon.
The event is designed to encourage and reward students with an interest in environmental management, providing an opportunity for them to work as a team on a real environmental problem.
The students use syllabus related skills ranging from collecting data through to devising and presenting convincing solutions.
Each team of students work through eight activities to get an understanding of the site's cultural heritage values, fauna and flora, landscape, water quality, hydrology and soils.
Points are awarded for achievement at each activity and also for the final presentation.
The winning team will go on to compete at the State final in Sydney.
Press release, October 27
Mark Attwooll, Rumbalara