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New craft shop opens

A new craft shop has opened on Blackwall Rd, Woy Woy.

The opening of the store, Wild About Craft, represents the fulfilment of a five-year dream, according to owners Leanne and Bill Swainson.

Ms Swanson, who grew up in Woy Woy, taught crafts at Centralian College at Uluru, here the couple spent 10 years.

Mr Swanson is an antique and bottle collector, and has collected bottles from around the world.

Wild About Craft offers classes to cater for part-time hobbyists and professional craft makers, adults and children.

Classes cover mosaic patchwork, card making, cloth dolls, handbag making, quilting, beading, scrap booking, beginners sewing, folk art, paper tole and glass painting.

New classes start next week.

All tutors are locals and all the art sold is made locally.

Jane at Beach Effects at the Ettalong Markets also now sells from the Wild About Craft store.

The craft store sells all the equipment needed for classes.

Wild About Craft sells Shabby Chick, country giftware, mostly made locally, including timber signs and caneware.

Wild about Craft is open seven days a week.

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