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Students at Congress

Two students from St John the Baptist will attend the Kids' Congress at Challenge Ranch on November 21 and 22.

School family liaison officer Ms Beth Riley said that Kids Congress was a meeting of children from all over the Diocese of Broken Bay, which included the Central Coast, Sydney's North Shore and Northern Beaches.

"Two delegates from each class in Year 5 all over this Diocese will come and join together at Challenge Ranch up at Somersby on November 21 and 22," Ms Riley said.

"The two children from St John the Baptist Primary School have also been chosen to be part of the organizing committee of 12.

"Here they will discuss issues that are a concern to them, for example: childhood obesity, deforestation, bullying, peer pressure and lots more.

"Each child with their partner will be put into a group that relates to their topic, and will discuss this issue for the rest of their stay.

"After they have discussed their issue enough to come up with a conclusion, they will all meet up again to discuss which one concerns them enough to do something about it."

Ms Riley said the topic that the students come up with will then be taken to the government.

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