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True science can't be corrupted

Keith Whitfield of Woy Woy is wrong.

True science cannot be corrupted.

When a scientist makes a statement, the fact can be tested.

The explosion of the first atomic bomb in the Nevada desert was a classis example of such a test.

Professor Oppenheimer who was watching made a profound statement on how that source of power can be corrupted.

"Humans have become as gods because they can now destroy the earth."

My good friend the late Hanbury Brown told me how humans may destroy the earth.

Hanbury, by the way, was one of the scientists who by the invention of the radar saved the English earth from a fascist invasion.

It is why most scientists oppose atomic energy to solve our power problem.

When you have an atomic power station, you can also build more atom bombs.

Hanbury told me the big nations of the world have enough bombs in store.

If World War Three comes when these might all be exploded; the earth would suffer an atomic winter when most life would die.

Also Stuart White in New Scientist wrote: "First nuclear power is not as suggested a great performer in terms of greenhouse reduction.

"This is mainly because of the significant energy requirements for mining and enrichment of the uranium for the fuel rods...also it would significantly increase the risk of nuclear is also one of the most expensive ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions."

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