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Levy sought for Summer Bus

Gosford Council will ask the Premiers Department to place a levy on licensed premises to subsidise the on-going operation costs of a proposed "Summer Bus", following its meeting of October 3.

Council has also resolved to commit $5000 towards the marketing costs of the service, on the basis of Wyong Council matching the amount, should the Roads and Traffic Authority (RTA) offer a grant for the summer bus proposal.

The project would differ from the previous Night Owl Bus Service in that it would offer a summer-only service for the coming summer period only.

Operating costs for the 13 week period were estimated by council to be $80,255.

The amount would be funded by $49,655 from the RTA, $5000 each from Gosford and Wyong Councils, $7600 from ticket sales for the Woy Woy Peninsula service and $13,000 from the Gosford to The Entrance service.

The RTA recently announced that funding was available for Alternative Transport projects, with a combined Gosford-Wyong submission already lodged with the RTA.

The council report stated that while high running costs and a lack of funding led to the closure of the Night Owl Bus Service, the patronage was sufficient to confirm that "there was community benefit".

It stated that, "on balance, it is recommended that the grant be pursued for the benefit of the community, even it proves to be of short-term benefit".

Council has also resolved that representations continue to be made to the Ministry of Transport for it to explore options for permanent late night alternative transport solutions for the Central Coast.

Cr Craig Doyle supported the service, stating that it deserved to be an election issue.

"This council fought for months and months to try and arrest the cessation of the Night Owl Service," Cr Doyle said.

"I am very hopeful we can take this one step further.

"I am prepared to give every last chance to try and bring this thing forward.

"Maybe with all these things and an election coming up, maybe a candidate or Government Minister will step up to the plate.

"It deserves to be an election issue.

"It is cheap, and absolutely vital to safety on our roads."

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