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Summer Bus night service proposed

Gosford Council is considering a proposal for a Summer Bus that would service a similar route to that operated by the Night Owl Bus Service, including a Woy Woy Peninsula to the Entrance circuit, during the summer months.

An application was recently lodged on behalf of Gosford and Wyong Councils for funding from the Roads and Traffic Authority (RTA) for the seasonal bus service.

Council officers had recommended that if the RTA offered a grant for a Summer Bus, council commit $5000 towards the marketing costs of the service on the basis of Wyong Council matching the amount.

The RTA currently was funding "alternative transport" projects, giving council an opportunity to apply for limited funding for a new bus service, which would offer a late night transport option over the summer months.

A combined submission was lodged with the RTA to comply with an RTA deadline and to allow council to consider whether a Summer Bus should be established should grant funding be offered.

The outcome of the submission was expected by the end of October.

A council report stated: "It has been indicated that submissions which have multiple funding sources would be more favourably considered.

"In light of this, other funders were currently being sourced but to date there had been no success.

"Some contributions from council will strengthen the likelihood of a successful funding submission."

The report stated that if the funding bid was successful, there was no guarantee that further funding would be made available for subsequent summers.

Council officers have recommended a $5 fare for the service, rather than the $10 fare that was introduced in the finals weeks of the Night Owl Bus service.

The "Night Owl Bus" service, jointly initiated by both councils, had provided a late night and early morning service since it was piloted in the 2000 to 2001 Christmas holiday.

It linked late night entertainment venues and transport interchanges.

Due to high running costs and lack of funding, council resolved on June 27 that the service be discontinued after its last scheduled service on Sunday, July 2.

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