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Wanton council vandalism under maintenance pretext

There are 15 trees growing on the Ettalong Beach foreshore reserve south of Bangalow St, eight Norfolk Island pine trees, three banksias and four she-oaks.

The trees have been there for a number of years and were planted primarily to provide shade for the people, especially in the hot summer months.

Peninsula residents were outraged recently when a worker from council's recreation operation section came onto the reserve and began cutting branches off the trees for no apparent reason.

This was wanton tree vandalism, done under the pretext of council maintenance.

Some 150 branches were removed.

When spoken to about the removal of branches, the council worker indicated that the branches had to be removed to allow mowing under the trees.

This is completely untrue.

None of the branches obstructed mowing.

In fact, there is no grass around the Norfolk Island pine trees as they are all surrounded by a large wooden border.

A second reason was also given for cutting off the branches.

People might walk into a branch and council could be liable.

Once again, this is untrue.

The branches that were cut off did not present a hazard to anyone.

Many of the removed branches were more than two metres above ground level, some branches were four metres above the ground.

All the trees are situated well away from the pedestrian walkway.

When I rang council about the branch cutting, I was first put on hold and had to listen to a recorded council message.

The message emphasised the importance of trees and stated their benefits such as providing shade for people.

It is quite hypocritical for council to promote its green credentials on the phone, but at the same time sanction the unwarranted removal of tree foliage that provides shade for the people.

Gosford Council recently won an award for outstanding achievement in managing and protecting the environment.

They certainly would not receive an award for what was done on the Ettalong Beach reserve on June 27 and 28 this year.

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