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Todd plays in New Zealand

Umina Beach Rugby League captain Todd Maloney has played for the NSW Country Rugby League team for the inaugural Quad Series Cup.

The team lost the final against New Zealand in a competition played in New Zealand, after winning preliminary rounds against Jim Beam Cup representative, Queensland Residents and a New Zealand Residents teams.

"Todd is held in high esteem by the football community over the entire Central Coast and he led the Bunnies to their first premiership in over a decade last year," said club spokesman Mr Ian Sonter.

He said Todd Maloney's team won the Clayton Cup last year, the first time it has been won by a Central Coast club.

"Since 1937 this award has been the pinnacle of Country Rugby League in NSW, signifying the best performed team for the year."

Todd was named Central Coast Division Player of the Year and he is in the running to retain this award in 2006.

Mr Sonter said Todd Maloney was a regular selection in the Central Coast Division Rugby League representative divisional side for the country championships.

"With his selection to tour, Todd has capped a fantastic couple of years in which his play and leadership has been outstanding," Mr Sonter said.

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