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Collapse Issue 136 - 27 Feb 2006Issue 136 - 27 Feb 2006
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Relay entrants compete again

One of the largest teams and fundraisers at last year's Peninsula Relay for Life will compete again this year.

The management and staff of Campbells Building Materials are on track for another big year, according to community relations coordinator for the Cancer Council, Ms Lesley Chart.

Campbell's owner Mr Mark Campbell said the Peninsula Relay for Life is one of the company's major fundraising events for the year and one which involves most of its staff.

"I've never seen an event that unites the local community like the Relay for Life," said mr Campbell.

"We became involved because family, friends and staff have been affected by cancer and we have shared their struggles and successes with treatment as well as shared their pain when someone has been lost to the disease."

Last year, the Campbell's team raised close to $12,500 for the Cancer Council and this year, Mr Campbell and his fellow team mates are out to raise more.

Donations can be made at the Woy Woy store.

"When you think about the people who live with cancer 24 hours a day, seven days a week, giving up 24 hours of your life is a small sacrifice to help others live a longer and healthier one," Mr Campbell said.

The event will be held from March 18 to 19 at the Woy Woy No 1 Oval, Oval Ave, Woy Woy.

It is the major local fundraising event for the Cancer Council with a fundraising target of $75,000.

The 24-hour event will start at 10am on Saturday with an opening ceremony and Survivor's Walk.

It will conclude at 10am on Sunday with a closing ceremony and announcement of the provisional fundraising total.

"Each year on the Central Coast, 1750 people are diagnosed with cancer and there are approximately 730 cancer related deaths," said Ms Chart

Relay for Life raises funds for cancer research, education and support services for local Central Coast families.

To register, contact The Cancer Council on 4325 5444 and ask for a registration form.

Early bird registration of $11 closes on March 3.

After March 3, registration is $15 per person.

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