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Collapse Issue 136 - 27 Feb 2006Issue 136 - 27 Feb 2006
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College enrolments exceed expectations

Enrolments have exceeded expectations at both campuses of Brisbane Water Secondary College, according to college principal Mr Pat Lewis.

"These increased enrolments included a significant number of students returning to the Peninsula's high school after attending other schools in the college's formative years," Mr Lewis said.

"At the Umina campus, 272 new Year 7 students had the campus to themselves for the first two days in an innovative orientation program.

"With the help of a large group of Year 9 Peer Support leaders who generously gave up the last two days of their school holidays, the new students experienced a wide range of activities designed to introduce them to the mysteries of a school timetable and the essential routines of high school life.

"On Wednesday, it was a full school day for all students when Years 8 and 9 returned and all students and staff were straight into learning action for the year.

"In total, the Umina campus will enrol almost 1000 students this year.

"At the Senior campus, no time was wasted for Years 11 and 12 students who returned on Tuesday, received their timetables, attended lessons in all of their subjects, and received homework to tide them over until Thursday.

"On Wednesday, Year 10 students returned to school and had the campus to themselves in a very successful orientation day.

"As on the Umina campus, Thursday saw the whole campus enrolment return and get immediately to work on the year's studies."

In total, the Senior campus will enrol over 700 students this year, Mr Lewis said.

"Week one was also a new experience for several college teachers who swapped campuses from last year," Mr Lewis said.

"Industrial Arts teacher Ian Reynolds transferred to the Umina campus while Denise De Pauli (Science), Michael Wilson (Industrial Arts), John Lynch (Creative Arts) and Doug Grave (English) all transferred to the Senior campus.

"This is a process unique to multi campus colleges such as Brisbane Water and ensures that teachers over a number of years have the opportunity of teaching the full range of students from Years 7 to 12.

"It also improves the collegiality of staff across the college by many teachers being known to each other on each campus."

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