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Collapse Issue 494:<br />18 May 2020<br />_____________Issue 494:
18 May 2020
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... and the fires continue

In a devastating fire in December 1990, houses and property were lost, and in more recent times, fire once again threatened the unique and fragile environment.

In 1994, Pearl Beach was isolated when the F3 was closed, and in November 2001 two helicopters and 17 tankers were called to contain a fire out at the waterfall.

On New Year's Day 2006, many residents living at the northern end were ushered down to the beach joining a large holiday crowd watching helicopters with their flimsy buckets of water delivering water to the fire.

Thankfully the wind turned and the residents were safe.

More recently, on December 19, 2016, a large fire started burning along Patonga Rd, threatening Pearl Beach Dve.

Again, the helicopters and their buckets were filled off shore at Pearl Beach, then swooping low over homes to reach the fires and drop much-needed water, greatly assisting our Rural Fire Service brigade on the ground.

Pearl Beach Rural Fire Brigade holds a special place in the life of the community.

A new vehicle in 2014, and more recently a trailer, were presented to the brigade.

In January this year, two barbecues were held which along with raffles sales, cash donations and the sausage sizzle sales, raised $15,000.

The brigade's current wish list includes two-way radios for the local community volunteers, night lights at the Pearl Beach station, fit out for the station extension, and another Community Fire Unit trailer including equipment.

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