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Collapse Issue 493:<br />4 May 2020<br />_____________Issue 493:
4 May 2020
Collapse  NEWS NEWS
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The Bays residents' lives change dramatically

With people told to stay home and social distance as coronavirus measures, the lives of residents of The Bays had changed dramatically, according to Bays Community Group president Ms Cathy Gleeson.

"This has brought out the best in people within our community with many caring gestures," she said.

"There has been a few of our local residents reach out to the vulnerable and the elderly to offer assistance if needed.

"We have definitely seen a few more locals getting out exercising, walking their dogs, walking with their children, which is pleasing to see.

"Although our lives have changed so dramatically, very suddenly, we have shown we are adaptive to this temporary new way of life, and keeping our spirits high."

Ms Gleeson asked residents to keep their speed to 40km when entering and travelling within the Bays.

"This is particularly necessary at the moment with the increase of walkers, joggers, children and cyclists, all sharing the road."

Ms Gleeson also asked residents to keep their dogs on leads when walking in the Bays, as a courtesy to others.

"Not everyone feels comfortable with dogs off lead. And it is a Council offence."

Although the group had cancelled its activities for the immediate future, the group was seeking people interested in serving on the committee.

"As we are also unable to hold our annual meeting, the committee members will remain in play for the immediate future," Ms Gleeson said.

"We will hold our annual meeting at a later date, hopefully by end of June.

"We still have two outstanding positions on the committee - secretary and vice-president.

"If anyone is interested in applying for either of these positions, please get in touch."

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