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Collapse Issue 413 - 20 Feb 2017Issue 413 - 20 Feb 2017
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Disappointed to have been misquoted

As the publicity officer with the Pearl Beach Progress Association, I am a regular contributor to your publication providing items of local activities and news.

It is extremely disappointing to find that I have been misquoted in this current edition of your newspaper.

When Dilon Luke contacted me in January about the condition of the Rock Pool following social media comments, I confirmed I would prepare a release after I had undertaken some research.

I read the eight social media comments, with the majority of them commenting that it was a tidal pool.

I also chatted to some of the locals who use the pool on a regular basis, and with this information I prepared the release printed in the January 23 edition.

In this recent edition, many of my words have been twisted and misquoted.

I did not say that the pool was contaminated, as per the first paragraph.

I did say that the pool relied on tidal cleaning which is a fact.

I did not say it was definitely making swimmers sick. I had no proof of that.

I did not say the pool water is perfectly all right and that once a large tide drains out the stagnant water, it will no longer seem odorous.

What I did say was "with increased holiday use the water quality was often compromised, and that once Council were contacted they ensured that cleaning is undertaken".

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