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Pearl Beach brigade formed early to fight bush fires

Bush fires were a major concern for the early settlers in Pearl Beach.

The formation of a brigade to fight bush fires came early and for many years was a significant reason for the continuing existence of the Pearl Beach Progress Association which was formed in 1929.

In the early days, the only water available for firefighting was the water in the creeks, springs and wells and in private water tanks.

Mostly the fire fighters cleared fire breaks using shovels, axes, hoes, mattocks and tried to beat out encroaching flames with green boughs cut from the trees, or beaters made of canvas or hessian attached to pieces of wood and fitted with handles.

These beaters were soaked in water where possible to make them more effective.

They were later supplemented by knapsack sprays.

The fire brigade was composed entirely of local volunteers who lived in the valley or were visiting for the summer holidays.

At the first sign of a fire, an alarm was sounded summoning them to gather to fight it.

There were not many vehicles available to transport them though some fire fighters possibly came on bicycles, others on foot.

Once the brigade acquired a vehicle it was necessary to build a shed in which to keep it as well as all the equipment.

A proper fire station was located on the bank of Green Point Creek adjacent to the Diamond Rd bridge.

As well as the tanker and hoses, town water had been laid on so fire fighters were able to access the mains.

That old fire station was often flooded by the creek and in the late 1980s was washed away.

It was then decided to rebuild on the current site at the end of Emerald St.

It is only fairly recently that the volunteers have been supplemented by a core of professional fire fighters and that the Pearl Beach Brigade has become part of the large network established by the Rural Fire Service.

The Pearl Beach community continues to undertake fundraising activities to assist the brigade.

The recent Pearl Beach Jazz in the Arboretum successfully raised $1100 which will go toward enlarging the brigade's current Pearl Beach garage and shed.

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