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Collapse Issue 393 - 16 May 2016Issue 393 - 16 May 2016
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Councillors condemn rail project uncertainty

Gosford councillors have condemned the cost blow out and uncertainty surrounding the Rawson Rd Level Crossing Replacement Project.

Gosford's deputy mayor Cr Craig Doyle moved a motion calling for urgent clarification from the minister for roads, maritime and freight on the funding and status of the project.

"We have been very patient and I want to make it clear that this has never been a local government project," Cr Doyle said.

"If you go back in history in terms of funding, it has gotten bigger than Ben Hur," he said.

"We had a promise and commitment that we would get more than $50 million to get this done."

Speaking at what became the last meeting of Gosford Council on May 10, Cr Doyle said there appeared to be other infrastructure projects across NSW in similar circumstances.

Gosford Council was dissolved and Central Coast Council was created by proclamation of the NSW Governor on May 12.

Cr Doyle told the meeting: "The NSW Government has changed the scope of the project and we don't know why.

"We haven't been provided with a report to explain why the cost has gone to $115 million and I suspect they will duck and weave until the next election.

"Is that good enough? No.

"Is it acceptable? No.

"Have we been patient? Absolutely.

"I think we need to get some urgent clarification about when they are going to get started.

"We want it done and completed as soon as possible and that goes for both the Rawson Rd level crossing and the closed underpass."

Cr Doyle also called for the Member for Gosford, Ms Kathy Smith, to get involved and make representations to the Minister.

Cr Jeff Strickson said he supported the motion.

"This is more than a long time coming. It is a vital part of the infrastructure of the Gosford local government area and sorely needed," he said.

Cr Strickson noted the "traffic chaos" that ensued when diversions to Woy Woy Rd were in place during work on a major intersection in West Gosford.

"Preliminary work has been undertaken and it has come to a screaming halt so what do we do: waste the money that has already gone into the preliminary work?"

He called for council to make a request for the project costings "so we can see where the blowout has been incurred.

"Let's see their costings and have them analysed," he said.

Cr Doyle said: "I would like to know and at least get it into community circulation how it managed to explode.

"I believe we should ask the minister for roads, maritime and freight because it is his asset even though the bridge will become part of the Roads and Maritime Services infrastructure," Cr Doyle said.

Gosford Council CEO, Mr Paul Anderson said it was an RMS project and the Minister for Roads was responsible.

Transport for NSW and their subsidiary, Sydney Trains, were sub-contracted to design the rail bridge part of the project.

Mr Anderson suggested council ask the Minister to provide the most current and up to date estimates and costs of the Rawson Rd Underpass Replacement Project.

Cr Bob Ward said: "I am disgusted by this whole saga.

"Work hasn't been undertaken since last August and council has been sheeting the blame when it is clearly not council's fault; it is the NSW Government's fault and I don't understand the secrecy.

"We are shareholders in this process we should be kept informed of the cost estimates and why the process has stalled," he said.

Council resolved to write to the NSW Minister for Roads, Maritime and Freight and State Member for Gosford seeking urgent clarification on the status of the Rawson Road Level Crossing Replacement Project and its funding.

The NSW Government committed $52 million to the project.

Stage two includes the construction of a new rail underpass bridge for vehicles at the base of Bulls Hill that connects Woy Woy Rd to Nagari Rd.

Due to the significant impacts on the main rail line, in mid-2015 Transport for NSW took over the design and delivery of the new rail underpass bridge.

An alternate tunnel structure has now been developed by Transport for NSW, which can be constructed without any rail outages.

The Minister for Roads had advised that based on Transport for NSW's amended design the entire project's estimated cost was now up to $115 million.

Given council could not contribute to this cost increase, and the entire project is beyond its financial resources, work on stage two had been placed on hold until further advice is received from the Minister.

To date, $15.9 million worth of work has been completed as part of the project including the stage one pedestrian underpass.

The delivery of the project is being managed by Council staff in association with a project control group which includes local RMS staff and civil engineering consultant Cardno.

Initially, planning identified three stages for the project to be delivered.

Stage one Included the detailed design and approvals of the overall project, construction of the Pedestrian Underpass near Rawson Rd, preliminary works for the Rail Bridge Underpass at the bottom of Bulls Hill as well as all associated works including service adjustments.

Stage two included the construction of the Rail Underpass Bridge, Woy Woy Creek Bridge, construction of Nagari Rd and connection through to Woy Woy Rd at the base of Bulls Hill.

Stage three consists of the realignment of Woy Woy Rd North, from the proposed Woy Woy Creek Bridge to Banyo Close at Horsfield Bay.

Council resolved to not proceed with any land acquisitions on December 9.

Transport for NSW subsequently carried out a review of the bridge design and determined that the construction methodology could not be delivered under the amended rail corridor restrictions.

An alternative tunnel structure was developed by Transport for NSW that could be constructed without a rail outage.

This alternate design had been costed and provided to RMS by Transport for NSW.

Council was in the position of awaiting advice on the status of the project from the Minister.

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