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Collapse Issue 387 - 22 Feb 2016Issue 387 - 22 Feb 2016
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Wicks delivers Peninsula Growth Statement

Member for Robertson, Ms Lucy Wicks, recently delivered a Peninsula Growth Statement in Federal Parliament.

"The Peninsula region in my electorate of Robertson is a diverse area, which has really grown in the last 100 years from a service centre and holiday hot spot into a thriving hub of more than 30,000 homes and businesses," Ms Wicks said.

"Tonight I want to launch the first Peninsula Growth Statement, to update local families and businesses in a very important geographic area...about what the Federal Government has been doing.

"It is a beautiful part of the Central Coast known by many people around Australia," she said.

"Sadly the Peninsula's been neglected by many governments, not least the former Labor Government, who failed to meet the very real need for more jobs and better infrastructure in this very important part of my electorate," she said.

She said the Turnbull Government was delivering on its election commitments and building a stronger Peninsula through community engagement and investment.

Ms Wicks said the imminent completion of the redevelopment of Woy Woy Oval was "the most significant civic redevelopment on the Peninsula in recent years".

Ms Wicks said the completion of the oval would fulfil a commitment of $3.5 million from the Federal Government, and help realise a dream by sporting clubs, businesses and the local community to turn a run-down sports ground into the second largest stadium in Wicks' Robertson electorate.

"Featuring a 600-seat grandstand, new club facilities and a kiosk, it will be a venue where sporting folklore will be written for decades to come, starting this season," ms Wicks said.

"Mr Matthew Wales, the president of the Peninsula Chamber of Commerce, has said that this project has already created several hundred jobs and could act as a continuing catalyst for growth," she said.

"From Woy Woy Oval, if you head just a little way down Ocean Beach Rd to Umina Beach, then turn right at McEvoy Ave, you'll find at the foot of a hill, an oval called McEvoy Oval.

"It's a stunning, beautiful wide open space used by a number of local community and sporting groups.

"But sadly, its focal point at the moment is a run-down toilet block.

"So it's no wonder that we have seen a tremendous response to our recent announcement of $304,000 of a grant to knock down and upgrade the facility.

"It will mean improved storage, a canteen and club room in a vibrant and functional community hub in Umina Beach," Ms Wicks said.

Other topics covered by Ms Wicks' address included a nod towards a $200,000 commitment for more CCTV cameras in Woy Woy, Umina and Ettalong Beach.

A commitment of $500,000 to building new roundabouts in Umina and Woy Woy as part of the Black Spot Program and a review of the success of the upgrades to parts of Lone Pine Ave in Umina and Springwood Ave in Ettalong.

$675,000 was also committed to upgrade Woy Woy Rd, Langford Dve and the M1-M2 Missing Link called NorthConnex.

Ms Wicks concluded her address with a 'Ready for Service' declaration for NBN broadband on the Peninsula.

"We want to see more opportunities for Peninsula residents to be able to live and to work locally, that's why we need better technology and that's why I'm pleased to be able to report on the fast rollout of the NBN.

"In coming weeks, more than 30,000 more homes and businesses will be declared 'Ready for Service' on the Peninsula and able to switch on to superfast broadband.

"This is set to be one of the largest activations done by the NBN, and will benefit families and businesses in more than 20 suburbs," Ms Wicks said.

The Peninsula Growth Statement ended with a promise of more funding commitments being delivered to the region.

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