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Collapse Issue 384 - 11 Jan 2016Issue 384 - 11 Jan 2016
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Holidays increase threat to water birds, says rescuer

The Peninsula's water birds are under increased threat during the holidays, according to Ms Wendy Gillespie from Pelican Rescue and Research.

"The most common threats to our precious birds are recreational fishing, attacks by unrestrained dogs and entanglements in balloon strings and ingestion of balloon pieces and other plastics," Ms Gillespie said.

She said there were steps community members could take to help birds over the holiday period.

"Use low technology fishing gear; always cover your bait and catch; don't leave unattended set lines or traps; never chase birds around fishers; and report injured or entangled birds early," Ms Gillespie said.

"Never accept or buy helium filled balloons as each one is lethal weapon for our wildlife and their mass release was banned in NSW over a decade ago due to concerted community pressure," she said.

"Always keep your dogs on leash, never use our precious birds for easy exercise and report any unrestrained dogs to council rangers."

In the fortnight before Christmas 2015, Ms Gillespie said she had rescued many dog-attacked pelicans and that many of the birds were parents.

Ms Gillespie encouraged residents and visitors to the Peninsula to report injured birds by calling her on 0458 975 498.

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