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Seeking descendants

The Pearl Beach Heritage Committee is seeking to make contact with descendants and friends of people who, from 1932 to 1960s, held leaseholds over one or more of the farms at Pearl Beach.

The families sought are Arnold, Berry, Boydell, Butler, Cattley, Crommelin, Devon, Dyson, Gallard, Garters, Gates, Hall, Hicks, Kane, Keech, Levik, Mallett, Mazlin, Moore, Newton, Petterson, Reilly, Rigelsford, Roblom, Roby, Saywell, Wallace, Whittaker, Wilde, and Woods.

The committee is seeking information, stories and pictures for its Heritage Exhibition on April 22 and 23.

The committee is also seeking to make contact with those who have information about or involvement in the RSL in Pearl Beach from the 1940s to 1960s, including Armstrong, Butler, Charles, and Connacher, and the Chester Hill, Carramar SubBranch of the RSL in the 1960s.

Anyone with information should contact Kay William on 4344 4811 or email

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