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Collapse Issue 527:<br />6 Sep 2021<br />_____________Issue 527:
6 Sep 2021
Collapse  NEWS NEWS
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Peninsula residents have 17,000 jabs in a month

Peninsula residents have received around 17,000 coronavirus vaccination injections in the past month, according figures on the NSW Government Covid-19 website.

The website now shows that first vaccinations have gone from below 50 per cent of the eligible population on August 2 to more than 70 per cent in the 2256 and 2257 postcode areas on September 2.

The website only displays approximate figures.

However taking mid-range figures, total injections in the 2256 postcode area have grown from around 8500 to 14,500, while the numbers have grown from 16,500 to 27,500 in the 2257 postcode area.

About 10,250 injections have been administered to people aged over 50 in the 2256 postcode area, an average of 1.33 injections per person for the 7700 people in that age group.

About 19,250 injections have been administered to people in the same age group in the 2257 postcode area, an average of 1.28 injections per person for the 15,000 people in that age group.

About 4250 injections have been given to people under 50 in the 2256 postcode, an average of 0.71 injections per person amongst the 6000 people in that age group.

About 8250 injections have been given to people in the same age group in the 2257 postcode area, an average of 0.80 injections per person for the 10,300 people in that age group.

Based on mid-range injection figures, 72 per cent of the 2256 population and 74 per cent of the 2257 population have received first doses.

Only 34 per cent of the 2256 population and 35 per cent of the 2257 population have had a second dose.

The over-50 age group has significantly higher vaccination rates, with 42 and 41 per cent being fully vaccinated in the respective postcode areas.

In the 2256 postcode, 91 per cent have had a first dose, while in the 2257 area 88 per cent have had a first dose.

With the under-50s in the 2256 postcode, 48 per cent have had a first dose and 23 per cent are fully vaccinated.

In the 2257 postcode area for the same age group, 55 per cent have had a first dose and 25 per cent are fully vaccinated.

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