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Collapse Issue 497:<br />29 Jun 2020<br />_____________Issue 497:
29 Jun 2020
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Commuter bus could not be booked by phone

Gosford MP Ms Liesl Tesch has identified what she says are several reasons for the termination of the on-demand bus service on the Peninsula (On-demand commuter bus service stops abruptly, Peninsula News, June 15)

Among those reasons is the failure to advertise the service.

I thought the service was quite well recognised and, in fact, I have had it specifically recommended to me on the Trip Planner website as the preferred transport mode for several journeys.

The problem was that bookings could only made through a Smartphone app that I could not access, so I was never able to use the service.

I do not understand why telephone bookings could not be made, as I believe many retired people would have made more use of the service if this option had been available.

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