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Collapse Issue 483 - 25 Nov 2019Issue 483 - 25 Nov 2019
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Token roundabout project is not needed

Well here we go again, another token project for the Peninsula, great for the glossy brochure in our rates notice to brag about what Council is doing for the area

The roundabout on Empire Bay Dve and Picnic Pde is not needed.

The intersection is lightly used and is operating very efficiently.

The set up at the intersection is more than adequate. If anything, it's excellent.

This money should be spent on what is the major issue with our roads, the lack of maintenance and their disgraceful condition.

Are they serious - $7 million on a white elephant roundabout that will only slow traffic at peak times and bank traffic back to Barrenjoey Rd, creating more chaos?

What planet are these people on?

What is needed more, a roundabout on Empire Bay Dve or an organised program of maintenance to repair our crumbling road infrastructure?

The Peninsula's roads are a disgrace, are dangerous to drive and nothing is being done.

This project is just a diversion and cheap way of saying, "we care about the Peninsula, look what we're doing for you".

Talk about fiddling while Rome burns.

Council's only concern is to cram as many people as they can on to the Peninsula, spend as little as possible on the area and having no interest in what residents' opinions are.

We are being bluffed by this Council and Roads and Maritime Services.

Please remember this lack of concern for your opinion.

Nothing is being done for the locals.

Next election please choose carefully who you vote for. Our future depends on it.

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