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Collapse Issue 456 - 22 Oct 2018Issue 456 - 22 Oct 2018
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Common sense and beer budget should prevail

I question just who are these Councillors making decisions for in regards to Gosford township.

Are they a complete bunch of ratbags or are the grandiose visions they have been created by being denied at an earlier age: a regional performing arts centre, a waterfront entertainment centre and more?

Have they seen the empty shops in Gosford?

Have they driven up some of the back streets and seen the numerous derelict and decaying houses?

Don't they realise that Gosford is mainly held together with the doctors and so on who support the hospital and the legal fraternity that support the courthouse?

Gosford Council created the decay when they approved development at Erina and West Gosford.

Have they conducted any surveys to ascertain whether the above Arts and Entertaining centres would be fully utilised and supported by the surrounding working community?

The stadium was another of their visions and I doubt that even today it is a profitable investment.

The Central Coast Council should concentrate on making the existing problems go away like injecting life into the shopping centre and tidying up the town.

When those problems are fixed then, maybe, they can look towards their bucket list.

Common sense and the beer budget should prevail.

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