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Collapse Issue 397 - 11 Jul 2016Issue 397 - 11 Jul 2016
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Charlton concedes defeat

Labor candidate for Robertson Ms Anne Charlton conceded defeat on Wednesday, July 6, after a close battle for the seat.

"This morning I called Lucy Wicks to congratulate her on winning the seat of Robertson," Mr Charlton said.

"For more than nine months, I have had the privilege of being out and about in the community I love, speaking with thousands of locals about the issues that matter to them," she said.

"The Central Coast is my home, and I will always work to make our region an even better place to live, work and raise a family.

"Thank you to the people of Robertson who voted for me, and put their trust in me to stand up and be their voice in the federal parliament.

"Locals showed their support for our campaign by voting to protect Medicare, support increased education funding, and create steady and secure jobs.

"I want to thank my dedicated and tireless campaign team, and the passionate members of the union movement who spent every day speaking with locals about how this Liberal Government has hurt the Coast.

"It has been a great honour to represent the Labor Party, and stand with a movement that has for more than 120 years fought for a better deal for working people.

"We ran a strong and united campaign against a government that only cared about itself and its mates at the big end of town.

"The Coast needs a strong voice to ensure that we get our fair share, and I will hold Lucy Wicks to account for the promises she made this election, and the promises she failed to deliver from last term," Ms Charlton said.

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