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Collapse Issue 293 - 11 Jun 2012Issue 293 - 11 Jun 2012
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Music scholarships awarded at Pearl Beach

The Pearl Beach Memorial Hall has hosted the annual presentations of music scholarships to students from the Central Coast Conservatorium of Music.

The Years 9 to 12 students from local colleges and schools performed a varied program.

Pianist Allyne Brislan provided an accompaniment to the young instrumentalists and vocal performers.

The Irvine Family Piano Scholarship was awarded to Kimberly Gilbert who played from memory Notturno by Grieg and, Poupee Valsante from Marionnettes by Poldini.

Alex Irvine, representing his brothers, presented the Irvine Piano Scholarship, worth $500 to Kimberly, and complimented her on her playing.

"Kimberly played lovingly and sensitively the piano that was a gift to Pearl Beach in memory of their parents Alex and Helen Irvine, who were among the earliest Pearl Beach settlers," he said.

Adjudicator this year was Mr Chris Bearman who was, until recently, artistic director of the Central Coast Conservatorium of Music.

Six young performers competed for two scholarships $500 and $250 awarded by the Pearl Beach Progress Association.

This year's winner of the Pearl Beach Music Scholarship was flutist Alyse Faith.

Mr Bearman commented that her performance of Mozart's Allegro from Sonata in F major, and the second and third movements from Sonata by Hindemith displayed beautiful phrasing and was a dynamic articulation of the flute.

The Pearl Beach Highly Commended award was presented to Olivia Bell on violin, who performed Sarabande and Gigue in D minor by JS Bach and the second movement of Mendelssohn's violin concerto demonstrating an understanding of the music and producing a wonderful tone.

Violinist Anastasia Milwain played pieces by Kreisler and de Falla.

Micah Blik's guitar performance included pieces by Giuliana and JS Bach.

Vocalist Eden Hook displayed her enormous voice with a diverse range of songs, concluding with a surprising choice of Gershwin's Blah Blah Blah.

Concluding the scholarship concert was Stephanie Kelly on saxophone, playing Concertante by Paladilhe and second and third movements from Scaramouche Suite.

"Learning the technique of getting the message across to the audience is very important," said Mr Bearman.

"Practice and play to an imaginary person to perfect your technique in projecting your music.

"The standard was extremely high making it difficult to choose a winner and runner-up,' he said.

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