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Rainfall stays above average

Above-average rainfall so far this month means that the Peninsula has had above-average rainfall for four months in a row.

This is the longest run of above average-rain in more than three years.

Rainfall was almost 12 per cent above average in January and was almost 13 per cent above average for February after only eights days.

Figures provided by Mr Jim Morrison of Hillview St, Woy Woy, showed 115mm had fallen in January and 131.9mm had fallen for the first eight days of February.

Averages for the months are 102.8mm and 116.9mm respectively.

The figures showed that January was the wettest January of the last four, with the closest being January 2006, when 111mm of rain fell.

February already has had as many "wet days" with 5mm or more rainfall as any of the previous three.

The seven "wet days" so far this month is the same number as for the whole of February last year, and compares to five "wet days" in 2005 and two in 2006.


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